The World of Work Isn't Working
When Your Workplace
Isn't Working...
When dysfunction and conflict start to affect your company workplace, you have some critical decisions to make. The quality of those decisions matters!
If the idea of wasting time, energy, and resources solving the wrong problems concerns you - an experienced GUIDE can help!
Download Ruth's 5 Crucial Things to Consider When Making Critical Decisions - a free resource that can help avoid some costly mistakes!

Your Mission - should you choose to accept it, is to invest in your organization's success by exploring the factors that make it tough for your employees to be loyal and give you their undistracted BEST - by creating a practical, workable, concrete plan to fix those issues!
Ready to do the work?
Which stage best represents your situation?
The critical decisions you need to make now depend on how bad (or good) things are currently.

Is it going smoothly?
Then it's time to objectively assess what's working and what's below the surface that could derail the 'calm' but isn't on the radar yet! It helps to take steps to PREVENT things getting derailed!

Are issues escalating? Conflicts? Staffing issues? Complaints? Burnout? Rumblings of discontent? Is your gut telling you to BEWARE? Sounds like things need to be RESOLVED!

Getting out of control? Distraction? Absenteeism? Productivity dropping? Losing good people? Not sure what to tackle first? Your credibility is on the line - It's time for a deep dive into the issues and sound containment strategies until it can be resolved.
No matter where you're at I invite you to DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AUDIT TOOL - and schedule a free 30-minute call with Ruth to review and discuss your options.
Your Leadership Credibility hinges on how well you and your team handle this… because
Employees won't give a damn unless they know you give a damn.
Recognize that employees ‘filter’ what they tell you...
Which means you may be making decisions with limited intel.
Gain the competitive edge that comes from having a solid team who has your back!
As an experienced ADVISOR I can help you navigate what’s going on behind-the-scenes to increase the potential that your staff experience the best of your leadership capabilities.

What's the Return on Investment (ROI) for you?
As an Advisor, you get Ruth's:
Fresh set of eyes + her 28 years of experience + her straight-talking / blunt/ call-it-like-she-sees it analysis
Uncanny capacity to get to the heart of what’s going on
Support to customize a strategy that FITS!
Ongoing advice on implementing that strategy
Support for your team to improve their ability to recognize, analyze, manage and mitigate the friction points tensions and conflicts before they blow up! (and land on your desk!)
No matter where you're at I invite you to DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AUDIT TOOL - and schedule a free 30-minute call with Ruth to review.

My name is Ruth Sirman
I am an internationally certified mediator / advisor / speaker who works with business leaders to create productive, profitable workplaces. My focus is on teaching people how to read the behind-the-scenes dynamics that can feed dysfunction, escalate issues including conflict and distract employees from doing what you pay them to do. Understanding what the real issues are can help to avoid investing vast amounts of time, energy, $$$ and resources in solving the wrong problems and putting Band-aids over abscesses.
My goal in life is to teach people how to deal effectively with conflicts before they need to hire me as a mediator! I am a scientist, retired turkey farmer, ski patroller, kayak instructor, parent to 4 amazing adult children and 3 awesome grandkids.
I would like to help you!
Robust organizations don't just happen! Great leaders invest in creating them!
Take our Audit to get a clearer picture of where your organization is at… and what you might want to improve!
Book a no-obligation 30 minute call to review your results!
If you have issues in your organization, here's what I have to offer

Strategic Advising and Consulting
Working 1:1 with Ruth as a decision maker to find solutions to the issues plaguing you!

Keynotes & Breakout Sessions
For Customized presentations / trainings that keep people talking for years to come (in a good way!)
Healthy Workplace Academy
The Healthy Workplace Academy is a suite of virtual and in person courses designed to help leadership teams create healthy workplace cultures for their teams. Executive, management and employee level courses are available for teams and individuals who want to excel at communication, defusing and de-escalating conflict, understanding organizational dynamics and initiating sustainable change effectively.

Are you an employer or leader who:
Wants loyalty, engagement and trust from your employees?
Wants to be known as a good leader to work for?
Spends too much time dealing with workplace and team conflicts?
Realizes that what you say to staff when you’re under pressure affects the outcome?
We can help! Your Mission - Should you choose to accept it is to let The Healthy Workplace Academy help you create a personalized Leadership Blueprint designed to help you:
Get a better ‘read’ on the behind-the-scenes dynamics in your organization
Resolve conflicts when they arise (and they will…)
Build a robust, resilient team
Create an organizational culture that WORKS!
Working closely with you and your leadership team, Ruth can support your team to improve their ability to recognize, analyze, manage and mitigate the friction points tensions and conflicts before they blow up! (and land on your desk!)
Healthy Workplaces make sense (and cents)!
But they don't happen on their own..
Forward thinking leaders learn how to create and sustain them!
Need to fine tune your leadership, conflict defusing and communication skills - especially when under stress?
to find out if The Healthy Workplace Academy is a good fit for you!
What others are saying
"I attended one of Ruth's keynote speaker presentations at a recent Convention in Ottawa. I found her presentation to be both entertaining and insightful. She breaks down seemingly complex matters and situations into some basic emotions, once I understood the concept, it really changed the way I thought about some of my current challenges at work. I look forward to getting a bit more one on one time with her in the near future."
E. Haug, President
Printing Impressions and Graphics Inc.

Don't forget to download your free Organizational Leadership Audit tool to get a read on what issues you need to address. Then schedule a free 30-minute call to review your results!

Your Mission - should you choose to accept it,
is to invest in your organization's success by exploring the factors that make it tough for your employees to be loyal and give you their undistracted BEST - and creating a practical, workable, concrete plan to fix those issues!
Ready to do the work?